You can purchase them from any blacksmith, or scavenge them yourself if you're thrifty." What is a style material? "Every race has a traditional material they work into their weapons and armor. Nothing fancy―you shouldn't need more than two iron ingots. What needs to be done now? "Go to the blacksmithing station and craft an iron dagger. Otherwise, you'll be lopsided." I have iron ingots. "Refining ore into ingots is a good way to build your muscles. "You're back! I take it you found enough ore?" This should be enough iron ore. Once said task has been completed, the player will receive the certification.

Deconstructing can level up one's Blacksmithing Skill. Once they've crafted their dagger, Millenith will then ask them to deconstruct it or some other Blacksmithing item. Adamantine for Altmer or Corundum for Nords). She then tells them to craft the Iron Dagger using their respective style material (i.e. Once they retrieve the right materials, they will need to make Iron Ingots with the Ore they retrieved.

Millenith will ask the Vestige to craft an Iron Dagger by first mining Iron Ore and then refining it into Iron Ingots. You can purchase them from any blacksmith, or scavenge them yourself if you're thrifty." I'll go make that dagger, then. What should I do next? (If the Vestige already has iron ingots.) "Go to the blacksmithing station and craft an iron dagger. Really put your back into it! When you have iron ingots, return to me." Actually, I have some iron ingots as well. If you have enough, you can refine them into iron ingots. (If the Vestige already has ten iron ores.) " Bring the iron ore to a blacksmithing station. If those veins are played out, you'll need to find iron ore on your own." I'll return with the ore. "There's a place outside of town which should still have some iron ore veins. Once you're back, you'll refine them into iron ingots." Tell me where to find the iron ore. For now, bring me an armload of iron ore. You have to prove you know your way around a blacksmithing station. You'll use those ingots to make the dagger." You'll certify me if I make an iron dagger? "Yes. First you'll mine some iron ore, then refine the ore into iron ingots. "I want you to craft a simple iron dagger.

I can only train one discipline at a time." I want to be certified as a blacksmith. "Prove you know your way around a forge and I'll certify you. I can train and certify you in something else!" Tell me about blacksmith certification.