Perfect setting for corporate outings and team building events. 10 batting cage machines with variable speed, softball and baseball. A beautifully landscaped 18 hole miniature golf course. As university teachers, we see this “bleak” assessment as a call for the basic communication course to adapt its pedagogy toward a more critical information literacy instruction and application. discussion board, or website used by the course instructor or other course forum. At Cox’s Driving Range we also offer: 26 driving range stations and a large grass area for hitting range balls. According to the study authors, “Overall, young people’s ability to reason about the information on the Internet can be summed up in one word: bleak” (Stanford History Education Group, 2016, p. A recent study by researchers at Stanford University revealed an alarming trend among students from middle school to college: while students at various stages of their formative education may have a facility with social media use and Internet navigation, they are easily deceived when asked to determine if the information they have read online is reliable, misleading, or patently false (Donald, 2016 Stanford History Education Group, 2016 Wineburg & McGrew, 2016). the course forum and through the e-mail address. In an era of proliferating “fake news” stories (Fisher, Cox, & Herman, 2016 Mikkelson, 2016 Rutenberg, 2016 Tavernise, 2016), and a “post-truth” political climate (Higgins, 2016 Oxford Dictionaries, 2016), the need to pair public communication and civil discourse with information literacy instruction is more important than ever. In this module, you will learn the basic principles of the Cox regression model.